1. No street signs. Anywhere. People here navigate by the stars. Or the smells. I haven't yet learned the Indian art of navigation.
2. If the rickshaw walla does not want to go to where you're asking about, he won't go. Game over. Find another rickshaw.
Con or Pro:
1. The smells. You get to experience a whole spectrum of smells from incense-to-poopie-to-bread-to-sweat-to-fish-to-poopie-to-laundry detergent-to-flowers.... so flowers and incense are pros. Poopie and fish are cons.
1. Cheap air-conditioning.
2. Cheap hair fluffer.
3. Cheap amusement park ride.
4. Good time to sit and think. I have an hour between here and my internship (traffic). The virtual reality of India passes through my periphery, and I get to try to answer the question "how the hell did I get here?" which isn't able to be answered in any other moment.